Mercicon Mediation
We build bridges between the Slovak and the German economy
We build bridges between the Slovak and the German economy
We build bridges between the Slovak and the German economy
Mercion is specialized in connecting Slovak and German companies. Our international contacts serve to support people in Germany or Slovakia in order to find work and gain a foothold in the other country.
We support you in finding work and take care of all the necessary formalities and bureaucratic matters.
Ak máte nejaké otázky, neváhajte nás kontaktovať.
Budeme Vás kontaktovať čo možno v najkratšom možnom čase.
Mercicon s.r.o.
Čermany 110
956 08 Slovakia
Family house with apartment features and value-added land.
We present our latest project: The high-security Tiny House! It is the safest house in the world, indestructible and equipped…